Japan Night is the cultural and literary night of AFCC 2016.

Hosted and sponsored by Genting Singapore, this event will celebrate the Country of Focus: Japan, and also see the launch of two additional collaborations between NBDCS and Genting Singapore: Asia’s largest children’s book award, and two bilingual children’s picture books by authors and illustrators from Singapore and Japan.

This event is a special partnership between NBDCS and Genting Singapore, and is held in conjunction with AFCC 2016 and SJ50.


7:00pm Cocktails and registration
7:45pm Arrival of Guest-of-Honour and Distinguished guests
7:52pm Opening performance by Kids Performing Academy
7.56pm Welcome Address by Ms Claire Chiang, NBDCS Chairperson
7.59pm Speech by Mr Kenji Shinoda, Ambassador of Japan to Singapore
8.25pm Performance by Little Creators + Little Arts Academy + CHIJ Kellock choir
8:44pm Launch of bilingual children’s picture books by Singapore and Japan
8.51pm Music performance by Mr. Toshihiko Shinzawa and Ms. Satoko Yamano
9:11pm Launch of Asia’s largest children’s book award by Genting Singapore and NBDCS
9.16pm Closing performance
9.35pm Speech by Mr. Tadahiko Motoyoshi, Director General, International Library of Children’s Literature
9.45pm End of dinner and programme

Our Guest-of-Honour for the event is Mr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman (Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence & Ministry of Foreign Affairs).