Selecting Suitable Books for Your Young Reader
Panel 阿甲 (Ajia), 黄美萍 (Jane Wee), 王淑芬 (Wang Shu Fen) | Moderator: 林美莲博士 (Lum May Lin)
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Picture books are generally acknowledged as the best tools to encourage reluctant readers, but they are not the only resources that can be utilised at home and in the classroom to help nurture the love of reading in children. Find out in this session what are the other types of books out there that will be great additions to your child’s bookshelf.

阿甲 (Ajia) (China)
阿甲,中国的童书作家、翻译家、阅读推广人,也是一位颇受欢迎的说故事人。作为独立研究者,他曾著有《图画书小史》、《帮助孩子爱上阅读:儿童阅读推广手册》等。他还译有多本童书参考书,如《亲爱的天才》(伦纳德·马库斯 编著)、《写给未来的艺术家》(艾瑞·卡尔 编著)等。
Ajia (阿甲) is a Chinese author and translator of children’s books, a promoter of reading, an enthusiastic storyteller and a 2022 Carle Honors Bridge Honoree. As an independent researcher, he has written several books including A Little History of Picture Books and Passion for Reading – A Handbook on Reading Promotion. Picture books authored by Ajia include Li Na: Be an Even Better You illustrated by Yu Rong and Drawing a horse illustrated by Dai Dunbang. He has also translated several reference books like Dear Genius by Leonard S. Marcus and more than 200 picture books from English to Chinese, such as the Peter Rabbit Series, Goodnight Moon, and Where the Wild Things Are.

黄美萍 (Jane Wee) (Singapore)
Jane Wee has been a librarian with NLB since 1993. She started her career as a Librarian with the Public Libraries, joined the National Reference Library in 1998, and between 2012 to 2015, was the Region Head of Eastern Libraries comprising six branches in the Eastern part of Singapore. Currently the Head of Chinese Language, she is responsible for the overall strategic directions and implementation of nationwide reading programmes for the Chinese Language. Her team works on the development of the Chinese physical and digital collections in the entire public library network

王淑芬 (Wang Shu Fen) (Taiwan)
王淑芬,台湾知名童书作家、童书评论者、手工书达人、阅读推广人。曾任台湾小学教师,于台湾电视台担任节目顾问与主持。着有校园故事《君伟上小学》系列,少儿小说《我是白痴》(韩文版为《나는 백치다》,被改编为韩国电影《Fly Heo Dong-gu》(飞吧,水班长),儿童哲学童话《猫巧可》系列,《一张纸做一本书》《绘本动起来》等童书与教学用书六十余册。
Wang Shu Fen is a renowned Taiwanese children’s books author and reviewer. She is also an expert in handcrafting books and avid proponent of reading. She was a primary school teacher in Taiwan and TV programme host and consultant with Taiwan Television. She has written more than 60 children’s books and teaching handbooks, including the Junwei Goes to School series; the young adult novel, I am an Idiot, which was adapted into the South Korean movie, Fly Heo Dong-gu; the children’s fables series, Qiaoke the Cat ; and handbooks, How to Make a Book from a Piece of Paper and How to Bring Picture Books to Life.

Moderator 林美莲博士 (Lum May Lin) (Singapore)
讲员简介 林美莲博士,是职总优儿学府母语课程策划总监,管理170所学前中心。她拥有近20年学前教学和培训经验,在课程设计方面积累了大量的宝贵经验,多次接受媒体的访问,分享有关学前教育的心得,并经常到国内、国外讲学。
Dr Connie Lum has worked in the early childhood field for over 20 years. She is currently Director, Mother Tongue Languages (NTUC First Campus). She works closely with principals and teachers in delivering the Chinese curriculum and programmes to children through curriculum writing, training of teachers, evaluating children’s learning environment, and conducting continuous review of curriculum tools and techniques.
Programme dates and times are subject to change.