Experimenting with Form and Style
Panel 戴芸 (Dai Yun), Lee Uk-bae, 林柏廷 (Lin Bo Ting), 王淑芬 (Wang Shu Fen) | Moderator: 余广达 (Patrick Yee )
Festival Pass OR Mother Tongue Language Panel Ticket
How do stylistic choices in books impact meaning and readers’ understanding of the story? This panel will delve into how writing, illustration and even formatting styles can impact or affect the way stories are read and appreciated.
戴芸 (Dai Yun) (China / Singapore)
儿童绘本作者,代表作品包括《你看见喜鹊了吗?》、《苏丹的犀角》、《北极熊搬家》、《溜达鸡》、《梧桐》、《臭袜子不见了》、《一到冬天就下雪》等。作品曾获“信谊图画书奖”文字组佳作奖,2018国家图书馆“小金狮杯”原创图画书年度排行榜Top 5, 2019和2022年《父母必读》原创绘本推荐,2019年深圳读书月“年度十大童书”,2019年大鹏自然童书奖,第七届“中国童书榜”最佳童书,第十五届国家文津图书奖推荐图书,2022新京报年度阅读推荐以及第七届“丰子恺儿童图画书奖”首奖等重要奖项。
Dai Yun is the renowned author of The Wandering Chicken, The Plane Tree and Sudan’s Horn. Her books have won several awards, including the Hsin-Yi Picture Book Award and Wenjin Book Award of Top 5 Original Picture Books by the National Library of China in 2018. Created at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, her story Do not Scroll Around during Chinese New Year received more than one million views to bring comfort and strength to a large number of little readers and their families during these unusual times.
Lee Uk-bae (South Korea)
Lee Uk-bae is a picture book artist. His picture books, depicting villages with old trees and laughing children, reflect on the importance of a simple life, the value of family, and the sorrow of a divided nation. Sori’s Harvest Moon Day, published in 1995, was translated and published in six countries. Lee also participated in the Book Project for Peace, a project involving picture book artists from Korea, China, and Japan. In 2020, When Spring Comes to the DMZ was awarded the Batchelder Award Honor by the American Library Association. His latest works include A Page-by-page Picture Book.
林柏廷 (Lin Bo Ting) (Taiwan)
小时候志向是当兽医,现在创作绘本过生活,年过四十才开始读美术硕士,很怕吵却又喜欢和小孩互动,擅长以粉蜡笔、压克力颜料、复合媒材、电脑绘图等为创作媒材。奖励包括《阿祖再見》2023 台北国际书展书展大奖、2021金鼎奖优良出版品推荐、《一个像海的地方》OPENBOOK 好书奖 年度童书、 《一起去动物园》第六届 香港丰子恺儿童图画书奖 佳作、《一个像海的地方》第七届丰子恺儿童图画书奖推荐。
As a child, Lin Bo Ting’s dream was to become a vet, now he creates picture books for a living. He decided to pursue a Master’s Degree in Art in his 40s. Despite his aversion to noise, he enjoys interacting with children. He is adept at using oil pastels, acrylic paint, mixed media, and the computer to create his artwork. His accolades include the 2023 Taipei International Book Exhibition Award, 2021 Golden Tripod Awards (Outstanding Publication) and the 7th Feng Zikai Chinese Children's Picture Book Award (Recommended Book).
王淑芬 (Wang Shu Fen) (Taiwan)
王淑芬,台湾知名童书作家、童书评论者、手工书达人、阅读推广人。曾任台湾小学教师,于台湾电视台担任节目顾问与主持。着有校园故事《君伟上小学》系列,少儿小说《我是白痴》(韩文版为《나는 백치다》,被改编为韩国电影《Fly Heo Dong-gu》(飞吧,水班长),儿童哲学童话《猫巧可》系列,《一张纸做一本书》《绘本动起来》等童书与教学用书六十余册。
Wang Shu Fen is a renowned Taiwanese children’s books author and reviewer. She is also an expert in handcrafting books and avid proponent of reading. She was a primary school teacher in Taiwan and TV programme host and consultant with Taiwan Television. She has written more than 60 children’s books and teaching handbooks, including the Junwei Goes to School series; the young adult novel, I am an Idiot, which was adapted into the South Korean movie, Fly Heo Dong-gu; the children’s fables series, Qiaoke the Cat ; and handbooks, How to Make a Book from a Piece of Paper and How to Bring Picture Books to Life.
Moderator 余广达 (Patrick Yee ) (Patrick Yee)
Multi-award winner illustrator, Patrick Yee, is one of Singapore's leading children's picture book illustrators with more than 200 children's books under his belt. Two-time winner of the prestigious Macmillan Children's Picture Book Award (UK), Patrick is also the record keeper of 'The Most Prolific Illustrator' award from the Singapore Book of Records, 2016. His publishing credits include: Little Buddy, Rosie Rabbit, Winter Rabbit, and On Being Happy by UK publishers, Walker Books and Orchard Books. His picture books "Harry "series about our late Lee Kuan Yew and SR Nathan sold 30 thousand copies in Singapore alone. Patrick has also worked as a freelance illustrator for clients in Singapore such as Epigram Books, September 21, A Story A Day Production House, Longman, Asiapac Books, Landmark Books, MandarinaKids and HDB Educational Department.
Programme dates and times are subject to change.