Documenting Picture Books: From Tokenism to Inclusivity
Presentation Canato Jimo, Smit Zaveri | Moderator: Jane Hayes
What does a diverse book look like and how does equal representation move beyond tokenism? The World We Live In/The Words We Create is a conversation starter on how to create truly diverse books by laying out a map of how to navigate character development, language and environment through a lens of inclusivity. Join us ask the hard questions that matter, using this live and open-source document that grows and changes with the times and our perceptions.

Canato Jimo (India)
Canato Jimo is a picture book maker who currently works with Pratham Books, India, as an art director. He is author-illustrator of award-winning books, Snip and Asamo, Is that you?. He moonlights as a musician and is a recovering stationery addict.
Smit Zaveri (India)
Smit Zaveri is an editor by day and baker by night. She has worked across departments in publishing before joining Penguin Random House India as an editor. Smit currently works at Pratham Books, where she edits the most delicious picture books. She lives in Bangalore in her yellow house that always smells of cake.

Moderator Jane Hayes (Singapore)
Dedicated to life-long learning and bringing stories, books and people together, Jane Hayes, has worked for more than four decades as a teacher, librarian and senior education officer in Australia, the USA and the UAE. She is currently enjoying her fourth year as Senior School Teacher Librarian at Dulwich College, Singapore.
Programme dates and times are subject to change.