2018 Temp page
6 - 8 September 2018
Country of Focus: Singapore
(Illustration by Kwan Shan Mei. Source: Estate of Kwan Shan Mei)
The Asian Festival of Children's Content (AFCC) will roll out its 9th edition this September 6-8! Held at the National Library, AFCC will celebrate the theme "Imagine-Asia" and Singapore as the Country of Focus. Over 60 local and international featured speakers will gather here, including writers, illustrators, translators, publishers, storytellers, educators and content creators. They will speak on topics ranging from the creation of Asian books for children, to cross-platform development and promoting more mother tongue content in schools.
AFCC 2018 will also cast a spotlight on one of our pioneers, the award-winning illustrator Kwan Shan Mei. The exhibition, "Kwan Shan Mei: Drawing From The Heart 关山美:以心动笔", will showcase some of the best-known children's illustrations by the late Madam Kwan, who won the Book Council's inaugural Book Award in 1976.
From panel discussions to masterclasses, workshops, exhibitions, performances, readings, book fair and awards, AFCC 2018 will offer an exciting line-up of programmes!
Save the dates now: Sep 6-8, 2018!
Watch this space for Early Bird promotion on May 28, 2018!
OPEN CALL: Launch Your Book During the Asian Festival of Children's Content
Interested parties may email [email protected] with the following information:
- Name of Applicant
- Title of book to be launched
- Publisher
- Date of publication
- Contact number
- Soft copy of book
Please also send a hard copy of your book to our office: Singapore Book Council, 90 Goodman Road, Blk E #03-32, Goodman Arts Centre, Singapore 439053.
*Please note that only successful candidates will be notified.
Check back for updates on this page!
Do you write or illustrate stories for children? Are you looking for the hottest new trend in YA novels? Are you looking for the latest tips and techniques in early literacy? If so, the AFCC in Singapore is the place to be! You can explore the Asian market with publishing and media professionals, network with distinguished authors and illustrators, learn important information on early literacy from childhood experts, and find the latest books and content from Asia and beyond.