Smoke and Flowers: Using Artworks to Retell Martial Law in the Philippines
Presentation Aldy Aguirre | Moderator: Angela Erickson
This presentation delves into the artistry and meanings of works in a book on Martial Law in the Philippines. Discover the creative journey, inspirations, and events tied to the exhibit. This unique project blends art and facts, commemorating a crucial historical period and inspiring curiosity. Explore the book's layout tailored for a younger audience, shedding light on a dark chapter in Philippine history. Gain insights into historical storytelling through art and the importance of curiosity, fact-seeking, and questioning in learning.

Aldy Aguirre (Philippines)
Aldy C. Aguirre, an artist and illustrator in Quezon City, Philippines, has contributed to children’s books for various publishers and independent writers. His work has been honoured by the Philippine Board on Books for Young People (PBBY) and the National Book Development Board, as well as internationally by ILUSTRARTE in Castelo Branco, among others. Aldy’s illustrations for Papuntang Community Pantry were finalists in the 2022 Bologna Children’s Book Fair Illustrators competition.

Moderator Angela Erickson (Singapore)
A former English teacher, Angela is currently working as the secondary librarian at United World College. Her current research interests include reading as empathy training and didacticism in children's and young adult literature. When she is not matching books to readers, she likes exploring Singapore's green spaces and watching films at The Projector.
Programme dates and times are subject to change.