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Asian Festival of Children’s Content
23–26 May 2024

Submissions for the AFCC 2025 Call for Papers has closed. 

Join us for AFCC 2025 from 22 - 25 May, at the National Library Building, Singapore

Theme - Discovery

The Asian Festival of Children’s Content (AFCC) 2025 embraces the theme of "Discovery."

Embark on the journey to discover a universe of multicultural children's literature. Learn about the emotional power of Asian stories; unpack the issues and topics that children's books face today; and engage in imaginative play that awakens all the different senses. Hear from writers and practitioners as they share about developing impactful textual and visual narratives using various tools and technologies; igniting the joy and passion for reading; building literacies in a multilingual environment; as well as understanding diverse cultures through translation.

Empower your learning and creative journey, and experience the world of Asian kidlit at AFCC 2025!

Submit here

Click on the links below to jump to the respective sections: 


We invite you to submit a proposal for consideration to be presented at AFCC 2025. AFCC’s programmes are categorised into three main programming tracks. You can choose to focus your proposal on any of the tracks. The three programme tracks are:



This track focuses  on the creation and development of literary content; translation of different language books; market trends; and industry practices in the children's book industry. The topics would highlight literature and works from Southeast Asia and Asia for children and young adults. 



This track focuses on cultivating the love for reading, as well as supporting language and literacy development in children from early childhood to teenagers. The topics would highlight strategies for encouraging children to read, utilisation of literary resources in the learning environment and acquisition of language and literacy skills. 



This track focuses on transmedia storytelling, adaption of content across platforms, edu-tech and the use of technology in content creation. The topics could explore current technological trends (such as AR/VR or A.I.), digital storytelling and gamification. 

Programme Format 

We welcome presentations, panel discussions, and workshops that will actively engage the participants. The festival will be mainly in-person. However, we are open to virtual formats if the proposal suits our progamming considerations and requirements. 

The available programme formats are:  

i)   A presentation or talk (60 mins, inclusive of 15 minutes Q&A with audience)
- a presentation consists of one speaker, or two who will speak on a particular topic. A moderator will then facilitate questions to the speaker(s) and with the audience.

ii)  A workshop (90 to 120 mins, inclusive of 15 minutes Q&A with audience) 
- a workshop is a highly interactive session, with one to two facilitators. The session ususally includes hands-on activities or practical exercises for audience participation and engagement. 

iii) A panel discussion (75 mins, inclusive of 15 minutes Q&A with audience)
- a panel discussion is a session with two to three speakers, and a moderator who will lead a group discussion with the panellists and facilitate the Q&A session. 

We are especially looking for proposals that tackle our areas of focus (see below). Proposals for programmes that are conducted in Chinese, MalayTamil or bilingual (Mother Tongue and English)  will be given higher priority in the review process. 



Preference will be given to  proposals that discuss the following topics below. We are also interested in proposals for programmes conducted in Chinese, MalayTamil or bilingual (Mother Tongue and English). 

Proposals should address how literature, books or stories for children and/or young adults are utilised, or play a role in the discourse of the focus area topics, preferably in relation to the festival theme. 


  • Stories from Asia and Southeast Asia
    Programmes that feature stories and/or books that provide new/fresh perspectives of the Southeast Asian and Asian experience. Exploration of the diverse make-up of Asia, with a focus on Southeast Asian and Asian creators. 
  • Translation
    Programmes that provide awareness and/or insights on pertinent issues relating to the translation of books for children/young people; highlighting the role of the translator; using translation as a bridge across cultures. 
  • Webtoons and Webcomics 
    Programmes that explore the industry of webtoons/webcomics industry - analysing and highlighting notable works, topics and creators. 
  • Writing and Illustration
    Programmes that delve into the craft and art of writing books/stories for children and young people. Experimentation of writing, illustration techniques and styles; adapting and retelling of known stories (e.g. folktales, legends) in new formats to appeal to new generation of readers. 
  • Inclusivity and Accessibility
    Programmes that broaden perspectives of readers via the representation of stories/narratives from minority races or under-represented communities; explore stories that display integration of people from different community sectors and the authenticity of portrayal.
  • Intergenerational Work/Bonding 
    Programmes that foster connections between different generations through books/stories; demonstrating how to bridge the generational gap to allow for grandparents/seniors to play active roles in developing young readers and learners.
  • Utilising A.I. 
    Using A.I. in the book creation process (understanding limitations of A.I. technology, using A.I. as a creative aid, ways to use A.I. correctly); current discourse and debates on the usage of A.I. in the publication industry.
  • Reading for Pleasure / Cultivating the Joy of Books 
    Programmes that explore strategies to foster love of reading, appreciation of books; benefits in the cognitive and emotional development of children; what constitutes reading?


In addition to the above, participants are also welcome to submit proposals that touch on the topics below. 

i) Topics related to content creation: 

  • Understanding illustration techniques/styles (experimenting with how illustrations influence the storytelling process; matching style with story)
  • Reading trends (what are the in-demand reads in the market, and upcoming writing/publishing trends to note) 
  • Environment (how do books/stories cultivate a sense of eco-conservation/love of the environment in young readers; resources that allow for deeper understanding of environmental issues; analysis of climate and eco-fiction for children/young adults) 


ii) Topics related to pedagogy: 

  • Encouraging Mother Tongue language (MTL) use and developing literacy (novel ways of developing MTL literacy; highlighting good MTL books/reading resources ) 
  • Encouraging independent learning/exploration through books (how to develop self-led learning in children; using books to nuture children's curiosity)


iii) Topics related to content adaptation: 

  • Understanding the adaptation journey (knowing content potentiality for audience market appeal; exploring the different forms of IP expansion)
  • Content market and trends (what are the current consumption patterns; updates on developments in the media content industry; exploring the synergies between the publishing and media industries)
  • Glocalisation (addressing cultural sensitivities and content relevance (with context to diverse and/or multicultural societies; impact of global media influences on local/regional content creation trends) 

Check out the previous AFCCs here to view past presentations/sessions. 


Please complete the AFCC 2025 Call for Paper online submission form by 30 September 2024 (23:59, GMT +8). The online form is available here:

The organisers reserve the right to reject any applicants who do not comply with the submission guidelines and/or provide incomplete submission(s). 

Each applicant may submit up to a maximum of two (2) programme proposals for consideration. 


All submissions will be assessed by the respective programming track committee. The committee will select the papers based on their assessment of the proposal content and its relevance to the festival.


Successful applicants will be notified of their application status from December 2024. They will receive a complimentary full Festival pass, which includes admission to conference sessions during the event.

Please note that applicants selected through the Call for Papers do not receive a speaker’s honorarium. Travel and accommodation for successful applicants based outside of Singapore will not be covered by AFCC. 

Confirmed presenters will be asked to submit a draft of their presentation, including the talking points and PowerPoint presentation file at least one (1) month prior to the start of AFCC. Presenters are encouraged to include interactive elements in their presentation (where possible), and to prepare notes or handouts for attendees.

Please note that the organisers may use applicants’ paper in parts or in full for marketing and publicity purposes for AFCC, either in printed or online versions.


For enquiries, please contact 

