Let’s Start with the Chimney: The Journey of Creating Singapore’s Localised Picture Books
Workshop 郑婉妮 (Cheng Wan-Ni )
Dive into a delightful workshop exploring Santa's gift-delivery challenges in chimney-less Singapore. Uncover connections like flip-flops and "Milo," the switch from a red headscarf to a Santa hat, and the portrayal of Singapore's kiasu culture in picture books. Gain insights into how the author captures Singaporean culture for enriching classroom experiences. Participants can look forward to an insightful journey into storytelling and cultural connections.

郑婉妮 (Cheng Wan-Ni ) (Singapore/Taiwan)
郑婉妮博士多年来深度参与幼儿园实践、幼儿教育政策发展与幼儿教育师资培育,并专精于学前 领域重要议题如:幼儿园课程与教学、儿童发展理论、幼儿园经营与管理、儿童福利等,是集理 论与实务一身之专家。目前郑博士担任新加坡华文教研中心的学前部门主任。 身为曾获得文学奖项之业余作家,郑博士近年来更将写作触角延伸至儿童文学领域,以新加坡文化认同的深广角度及元素创作了多本绘本。
Dr Cheng Wan-Ni, a distinguished early childhood educationist and dean at the Singapore Centre for Chinese Language (SCCL), brings decades of expertise to practice, policy, and teacher training. She is an award-winning writer specialising in early childhood curriculum, child development, preschool management, and child welfare. Recently venturing into children’s picture books, Dr Cheng skillfully integrates elements of Singaporean culture, enriching young minds with engaging narratives.
Programme dates and times are subject to change.