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Asian Festival of Children’s Content
23–26 May 2024


In this workshop, participants will be guided on an in-depth exploration of nature and the environment through picture books. They will learn how to use picture books with environmental themes to cultivate children's love for reading, stimulate their interest in exploring the natural world, and increase their awareness of environmental conservation. 



Hsu Tseng Chiao

许增巧 (Hsu Tseng Chiao) (Taiwan)

许增巧,台湾台北人,大学时参加自然保育社,开启了对动物与生态的兴趣,曾做过研究助理、兽医师、小学老师,全职妈妈及专栏作者,喜欢美食、小动物与大自然。 现为绘本作家及斜杠菜农,著有《生态池的故事》、《和爸爸去爬山》、《来自森林的礼物》、《神秘甲虫》、《和我一起去野餐》、《小班做饭团》 、《妈妈》、《台湾生态寻宝趣》、《野地漫游》、《小黄吊车》、《棒球场的老鼠》等绘本。

Hsu Tseng Chiao is from Taipei, Taiwan. Her interest in animals and ecology started when she joined a nature conservation society during her university days. She has been a research assistant, veterinarian, primary school teacher, stay-at-home mother, and columnist. She loves food, small animals, and nature. Currently, she writes picture books and grows vegetables. Her picture books include 《生态池的故事》(The ecological pond),《和爸爸去爬山》(Hiking with papa),《来自森林的礼物》(A gift from the forest),《神秘甲虫》(The mysterious beetle),《和我一起去野餐》(A picnic with me),《小班做饭团》(Ben makes rice balls) ,《妈妈》(Mama),《台湾生态寻宝趣》(Ecological treasures in Taiwan),《野地漫游》(Roaming in nature),《小黄吊车》(The little yellow crane), and《棒球场的老鼠》(The mouse in the baseball field).

Programme dates and times are subject to change.
