Working towards the UN SDGs in Norwegian Libraries
Presentation Linn T. Sunne, Tone Larssen Rogne | Moderator: Katie Day
How do Norwegian libraries work to fulfill the UN's Sustainable Development Goals? The session shows how Norwegian libraries inspire and engage children and young adults in their efforts for sustainability by bringing them into libraries.

Linn T. Sunne (Norway)
Linn T Sunne has worked as a senior advisor at Innlandet County Library for the past 16 years, working on literature dissemination for children and adults. She is also a teacher and has published a number of books for children and young adults.

Tone Larssen Rogne (Norway)
Tone Larssen Rogne has worked at the Sølvberget Public Library in Stavanger for 8 years coordinating class visits, reading campaigns for primary, secondary levels and high schools and events for children and young adults.

Moderator Katie Day (Singapore)
Katie Day is an American teacher-librarian who has lived in Asia since 1997, including Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore. She is actively involved in the Red Dot Book Awards (Singapore), the Neev Book Awards (India) and the Global Literature in Libraries Initiative (GLLI) YA Translated Book Prize.
Programme dates and times are subject to change.