Stories with a Twist: A Deep-dive into Improvisational Storytelling
Workshop Elizabeth Chua, Geraldine Teo-Zuzarte
Festival Pass OR Workshop Ticket
Join this workshop to gain insights into correlations between play, storytelling and improvisation. Participants will have an opportunity to learn and apply improvisational storytelling strategies that promote imagination and encourage language development and expression. Come fuel your imagination and make stories come alive!

Elizabeth Chua (Singapore)
Elizabeth Chua is currently pursuing her Masters in Early Childhood Education. She has journeyed professionally from a classroom teacher, a mentor-teacher to centre leadership in the first child study centre in Singapore. As a leader, she continues to develop potential and grow learning and thinking communities that are grounded on sound and innovative practices. She believes that instilling a passion for literature in young children is a pathway into education and an opportunity to be exposed to other worlds of meaning-making.

Geraldine Teo-Zuzarte (Singapore)
Geraldine Teo-Zuzarte holds a PhD in Early Childhood Education and is passionate about the development of children, especially those in their early years. A seasoned speaker with 30 years of experience, she has presented papers in conferences and workshops both locally and internationally. With her deep theoretical and practical knowledge on ECCE, Geraldine has inspired and nurtured many to become current leaders in the ECCE sector.
Programme dates and times are subject to change.