Paper Play: Picture Book Crafting with Wang Shu Fen
Workshop 王淑芬 (Wang Shu Fen)
Festival Pass OR Workshop Ticket
Take the chance to play with different materials to create your own work of art in this interactive workshop with Wang Shu Fen, as she leads you through the process of crafting book-based art projects, as a medium to help children engage deeper with stories and to stimulate their interest in reading.

王淑芬 (Wang Shu Fen) (Taiwan)
王淑芬,台湾知名童书作家、童书评论者、手工书达人、阅读推广人。曾任台湾小学教师,于台湾电视台担任节目顾问与主持。着有校园故事《君伟上小学》系列,少儿小说《我是白痴》(韩文版为《나는 백치다》,被改编为韩国电影《Fly Heo Dong-gu》(飞吧,水班长),儿童哲学童话《猫巧可》系列,《一张纸做一本书》《绘本动起来》等童书与教学用书六十余册。
Wang Shu Fen is a renowned Taiwanese children’s books author and reviewer. She is also an expert in handcrafting books and avid proponent of reading. She was a primary school teacher in Taiwan and TV programme host and consultant with Taiwan Television. She has written more than 60 children’s books and teaching handbooks, including the Junwei Goes to School series; the young adult novel, I am an Idiot, which was adapted into the South Korean movie, Fly Heo Dong-gu; the children’s fables series, Qiaoke the Cat ; and handbooks, How to Make a Book from a Piece of Paper and How to Bring Picture Books to Life.
Programme dates and times are subject to change.