GOAL#14: Reflections on Imaginative Storytelling to Promote Ocean Conservation
Presentation Claire Stuckey | Moderator: Kate Brundage
Using selected Australian picture books that employ very different visual and textual narratives, join Claire Stuckey as she shares the SDG 14 message through imaginative storytelling. The session shares engaging techniques that provoke thoughtful discussion and understanding of the effects of pollution to our oceans.
Claire Stuckey (Australia)
Claire is a long-term member of the Children’s Book Council of Australia and president of the subbranch. In 2008, she initiated the Jeans Genies project which was adopted by many international libraries. As a member of the IFLA Libraries for Children and Young Adults committee she is a coordinator of the World Through Picture Books Programme. Claire is a member of IBBY Australia’s national executive, and chairs its Ena Noël Award, and the IBBY Outstanding Books on Disabilty List. Claire has presented papers at IBBY, IRSCL and IFLA conferences.

Moderator Kate Brundage (Singapore/US)
Kate Brundage has been an Elementary School Librarian at the Singapore American School for the past 16 years. She is currently serving as the International School Libraries Network (ISLN) representative on the AFCC Teachers and Parents Programme Committee.
Programme dates and times are subject to change.