Art of Adaptation: From Mr Midnight, MISI, Knietzsche to Sherlock Sam
Panel Afiq Salam, Anja von Kampen, Nazry Salam, Ray Tan , Teh Su Ching | Moderator: Galen Yeo
In this session, join our panelists as they take you on a journey through the world of adaptations in children's literature. From the iconic Mr Midnight to the MISI series to the popular German children's character Knietzsche and to Singapore's well-loved boy detective Sherlock Sam, our panelists will delve into the art of adapting stories for different formats and audiences.

Afiq Salam (Malaysia)
Afiq Salam ialah seorang seniman komik berpengalaman yang telah menerbitkan komik-komik terlaris untuk pelajar dan remaja selama lebih dari 10 tahun.
Afiq Salam is an experienced comic artist who has been publishing best-selling comics for students and teenagers for over 10 years.

Anja von Kampen (Germany)
Anja von Kampen is a Berlin-based film producer, director, world traveler, inventor and author. In 2012, she created the award-winning animated character Knietzsche for German children's television. As of now the Knietzsche universe consists of eleven books, an app and almost 80 short-films, available in different languages.
Photo by

Nazry Salam (Malaysia)
Nazry Salam ialah seorang penulis, seniman, dan animator yang terlibat dalam penghasilan 40 judul buku komik, 12 novel, 2 majalah, dan 3 siri animasi. Beliau telah dianugerahkan Anugerah Sastera Johor dalam kategori novel kanak-kanak, dan Anugerah Buku Negara untuk buku komik terbaik. Karya paling popular beliau adalah siri buku komik MISI, yang merupakan siri komik pendidikan yang diasaskan bersama adiknya, Afiq Salam.
Nazry Salam is a writer, artist, and animator who has been involved in the creation of 40 comic book titles, 12 novels, 2 magazines, and 3 animated series. He has been awarded the Johor Literature Award in the kids' novel category, as well as the National Book Award for best comic book. His most popular work is the MISI comic book series, an educational comic series that he co-founded with his brother, Afiq Salam.

Ray Tan (Singapore)
Ray is a Singaporean with extensive experience in children's edutainment, having managed one of Thailand's largest family entertainment centers. As a marketer for Dream Academy®, the local theatre production company behind shows like the Dim Sum Dollies®, KUMAR, Meenah and Cheena, and Broadway Beng®. He is passionate about promoting local arts and looks forward to sharing insights on the adaptation process of local book series, Sherlock Sam (by A.J. Low) into a musical.
Photo by Beyondtheisland

Teh Su Ching (Singapore)
Su Ching writes and produces content for film, stage and audio. She has written for shows on HBO Asia, Netflix and Audible. Before adapting Mr Midnight with Beach House Kids, Su Ching and local filmmaker Wee Li Lin worked with Verite Productions to adapt Haresh Sharma’s play October into a telemovie. A mother of two, Su Ching is also a published poet and essayist. She is a certified vinyasa yoga teacher and training to become an end-of-life coach.
Photo by Jacqueline Chang

Moderator Galen Yeo (Singapore)
Galen Yeo is an award-winning director of The Moving Visuals Co, one of Asia’s leading TV & Digital content creation companies ( His diverse career includes writing, developing and producing documentaries; dramas; factual entertainment and kids shows for all platforms.
Programme dates and times are subject to change.