Public Programme
Malay Programmes
Date: | 30 – 31 May 2015 |
Language: | Workshops are conducted in Malay |
Registration: | Free admission, registration required. |
Date: | 30 – 31 May 2015 |
Language: | Workshops are conducted in Malay |
Registration: | Free admission, registration required. |
Drs. Bahri Rajib (Retired Educator)
FOR: Parents and teachers
Dalam bengkel ini, penceramah akan mengajar para peserta cara-cara mudah untuk membiasakan kanak-kanak pra-sekolah dengan bahasa Melayu. Sesi ini diadakan khusus untuk ibu bapa yang anak-anaknya tidak berbahasa Melayu langsung di rumah. Bengkel ini akan menyampaikan pendekatan tertentu serta melihat cara-cara yang biasa bagi mendedahkan kanak-kanak kepada bahasa dan budaya Melayu melalui penghayatan lagu, makanan, buku cerita dan lain-lain. Penceramah juga akan memberikan pengetahuannya tentang bagaimana kita dapat menarik minat kanak-kanak supaya bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu di rumah dan di sekolah. Beliau juga akan berkongsi bagaimana memilih buku dwibahasa yang sesuai untuk anak anda.
In this workshop, the instructor will teach participants simple ways of getting your pre-school child acquainted with the Malay language. This session is specially crafted for parents with children who do not speak Malay at all at home. The workshop will address specific approaches as well as look into general techniques in getting the child to be exposed to the Malay language and culture through appreciation of songs, food, storybooks etc. The instructor will also impart his knowledge on how to get children interested in speaking Malay at home and in school. He will also share tips on how to choose the right bilingual books for your child.
Zamri Mohamad (Author)
FOR: Aspiring and established children's book authors and illustrators
Penulis, pustakawan, guru atau ibu-bapa, diberi cara memperkenalkan buku secara berkesan di internet. Dalam bengkel ini, kuasai lapan butang emosi dan sembilan butang logik dalam diri pembaca. Apabila setiap satu dikuasai, pembaca lebih mudah menerimanya.
How do you introduce your first book online? In this workshop, discover on how to understand reader’s online behaviour in selecting picture books. Learn about 8 emotional buttons and 9 logical buttons before presenting your book to the readers.
Hidayah Amin (Author)
FOR: Parents and educators
Puan Hidayah Amin akan berkongsi pengalaman beliau menerbitkan buku Braille The Mango Tree. Beliau akan berbincang tentang keperluan menghasilkan buku-buku inovatif untuk memenuhi keperluan pembaca yang kurang penglihatan, kanak-kanak yang mengalami masalah pembelajaran, pelajar kinestetik, dan kanak-kanak yang mempunyai masalah perhatian ADHD. Peserta juga diajak berbincang mengenai buku-buku yang sedia ada serta idea-idea untuk menghasilkan buku/sumber mudah yang dapat memenuhi keperluan khas kanak-anak mereka.
Hidayah Amin will share her experience publishing a Braille volume of her children’s book, The Mango Tree. She will discuss about the need for innovative books to cater to the visually impaired, children with learning difficulties, kinesthetic learners, and children with attention-deficit-hyperactive-disorder (ADHD). Together, participants will explore some inclusive books and brainstorm ideas on they can create simple resources to cater to their children with special needs.
Latfy Anuar Latif (Director, Latfy & Associates)
FOR: Individuals interested in storyboarding and picture books
Pelajari secara mudah cara menghasilkan watak buku cerita bergambar. Peserta akan menguasai kaedah papan cerita dan susunan cerita yang menarik pembaca. Hasil bengkel dapat digunakan untuk aktiviti bersama anak-anak di rumah atau dihantar kepada penerbit.
In this workshop, participants will be guided on how to create and develop their own picture book characters from scratch. From the initial sketching creation, storyboarding, environment settings to page layouts – they will then be able to use this experience to create their own storybooks for personal use, or even send it to publishers.
Emila Yusof (Illustrator, Blogger) Mahaya Mohd Yassin (Writer, Lecturer)
For: Children aged 5 - 10 years old
Bengkel ini terdiri daripada empat bahagian seperti berikut (Peluang mencipta pantun dengan ilustrasi):
A: Mari Mengenal Pantun
i) Makna Pantun
ii) Tema Pantun
iii) Format Pantun
iv) Ciri Pantun
B: Mari Mencipta Pantun Bersama-sama
C: Mencipta Pantun (dengan ilustrasi oleh Emila Yusof)
D: Rumusan
Pada akhir bengkel, diharapkan peserta akan lebih menghayati pantun dan memahami cara berpantun. Pantun yang dihasilkan di bengkel ini juga akan diilustrasikan oleh ilustrator Emila Yusof.
This workshop will teach you the meaning, themes, format, and features of the pantun, a Malay poetic form. You will also learn how to write pantun together, and how to write your own. At the end of the workshop, it is hoped that participants will learn how to appreciate and write pantun. Pantuns created during the workshop will be illustrated by Emila Yusof.