Public Programme
Chinese Programmes
Date: | 30 May – 6 Jun 2015 |
Language: | Workshops are conducted in Chinese |
Registration: | Free admission, registration required. |
Date: | 30 May – 6 Jun 2015 |
Language: | Workshops are conducted in Chinese |
Registration: | Free admission, registration required. |
Goh Yeng Seng 吴英成 (Professor of Linguistics and Language Education, National Institute of Education) Lim Seok Lai 林惜莱 (Lecturer, Asian Languages and Cultures Academic Group at the National Institute of Education)
FOR: Parents
This workshop aims at sharing with parents various strategies that could be adopted during the early stage of their children’s Chinese language learning journey to better prepare them for a bilingual future. Strategies presented include: creating a natural bilingual home environment and using picture books and other learning materials.
Patrick Yee 余广达 (Author, Illustrator)
FOR: Parents and teachers
Patrick 画家会教你们怎样利用不同的材料和画法来画你们的第一本插画书。
Patrick will talk about using different techniques and medium to illustrate a picture book and the participants will work on their own simple dummy, like half flap book, flap book and others, using their own or provided stories.
Su Zhangkai 苏章恺 (Founder, Sprout Language Centre)
FOR: Parents
Reading is one of the most fundamental skills a child needs to learn to succeed in life. Developing good reading habits is vital to your child’s future not just academically, but in everyday life as well. By taking a playful, pressure-free approach, you'll help your child enjoy books in practically no time. In this workshop, Founder of Sprout Language Center Mr Su will share various methods and tips to make reading fun and joyful for both parent and child!
Li Li 李莉 (Trainer, SEED Institute)
FOR: Parents of children aged 0-12 years old
“Learn to Read—Opening the Door to Learning” is a workshop catered for parents with young children aged between 0 and 12. Help our child become a good reader and an effective learner by reading with them, and teaching them how to read. The programme includes tips and advice from Sprout's Reading Consultant Mdm Li Li on how to read with your child and how to choose the right books for your child.
Lee Kow Fong 阿果 (Lecturer, Ngee Ann Polytechnic)
FOR: Parents and Children aged 5-9 years old
Parents and young kids will learn more about the concept of visual literacy and be guided through the process of making a very simple dummy book where children will express their moods of happiness, sadness, anger and boredom through writing and illustration!
Lee Kow Fong 阿果 (Lecturer, Ngee Ann Polytechnic)
FOR: Adults with a passion in picture-book writing & illustration
Participants can learn more on conceptualising of story idea, pagination, planning of illustration as well as story-boarding through small group discussion and hands-on activities, with their story ideas, drafts or story-boards.
C.K. Koh 许镇权 (Deputy Head, Fine Arts Division, The One Academy)
FOR: Parents
读了那么多睡前故事给孩子听,有没有想过给自己的孩子创作一些睡前小故事呢?与其自己抓破脑袋想故事,不如邀孩子一起创作,一起发挥天马行空的想像力,绝对会让你有意想不到的收获。透过这一个工作坊,主讲人会分享一些即兴创作的技巧, 展开故事的方法以及创造一个充满互动与精彩的睡前故事体验。
After reading so many bedtime story to your children, why not make your own bedtime story to wrap the day? Get your child involve in the story making with you to unleash the creative soul in you and your child. The outcome is going to beyond your imagination! Through the workshop, parent will learn the techniques in making story spontaneously and how to conduct a dynamic story telling/making session with your children.
Mei Zihan 梅子涵 (Author) Wang Yimei 王一梅 (Author) Tang Sulan 汤素兰 (Author and Committee Member, Chinese Writers’ Association)
Don’t miss this chance to meet renown authors from China, Mei Zihan, Tang Sulan and Wang Yimei, as they come together in this panel discussion to share about why children’s stories are so important in expanding children’s imagination and world views!
Zhao Bingbo 赵冰波 (Deputy Director, Hangzhou Writers’ Association) Qin Wenjun 秦文君 (Author) Tan Chee Lay 陈志锐 (Deputy Executive Director, Singapore Centre for Chinese Language, NTU) Ai Yu 艾禺 (Author)
四位来自中国和新加坡的作者,将汇集一堂,分享他们参与 《狮心绘意——中新儿童文学原创作品》写作的心得,以及两国合作出版双语作品的重要性。
Four authors from China and Singapore will be speaking about their experiences writing the stories in Lion’s Heart, Painted Thoughts: Original Creative Writings of Children’s Literature between Singapore and China. Join them as they share their views on the importance of bilingual books and literary collaborations between countries.