
First Look – Illustration Critique

Date: 22 Feb – 2 May 2013
For: Illustrators and Author-Illustrators

Illustrators are invited to submit six unpublished illustrations by Thursday May 2, 2013 to be reviewed and commented on by a panel of international publishing experts before an audience.

Each of the six submitted illustrations should show one illustrated page or spread from a children’s book project. The six images, once approved, will be shown at First Look in a PowerPoint slideshow.

  1. SIX (6) illustrations are to be submitted, from the same project or book.
  2. Files much be in .jpeg format, resolution 72dpi, maximum 1000px wide, and maximum 800px high.
  3. Please label each .jpeg with your name (or pseudonym or marked “anonymous”) and name of the project or book at the lower right corner.
  4. Entries will only be accepted by EMAIL (with the subject “AFCC – FIRST LOOK”) to [email protected]
  5. Please include the following information in your email to us: Name or pseudonym – please indicate if you wish to remain anonymous and a three-sentence description of the project or book.

We will try to review as many submissions as possible for comments by the panel at the festival, but cannot guarantee all submissions will be viewed. Files will only be accepted via email and only with the proper formatting.

Please note:

  • Only one submission of 6 images will be accepted per registered AFCC participant.
  • Only verbal critiques will be given to participants, who must be present at the conference session.

Please contact us again if you do not receive an acknowledgement within one week.

* Closing date for submissions has been extended to Sunday May 19, 2013. *