What Defines Asian Illustrations?
Naomi Kojima (Author, Illustrator)
Tay-Audouard Lak-Khee (Illustrator)
Our panellists of illustrators will examine Asian and universal elements in the pictures. They will question if a fine line can be drawn between illustrations from the East and West, and what it means to incorporate Asian themes in illustrations and stories for children.
The Nuts and Bolts of Self-Publishing: The Good, the Bad and the Fabulous
Emma Nicholson (Author)
Sarah Mounsey (Author)
Hidayah Amin (Author)
Three authors relate their journeys towards publishing independently for the children’s book market in Singapore. They will give clear advice on the nuts and bolts of the business, including designing, printing and marketing. They will also highlight the joys of being creative, committing to their work and dealing first-hand with their audience.
Using Digital Content for Learning and Pleasure for Children
Ann Carlson Weeks (Associate Dean, University of Maryland)
Ann Carlson Weeks shares more about the International Children’s Digital Library (ICDL), a full-text library of children’s books from around the world that is freely available on the Internet (www.childrenslibrary.org). Developed by an interdisciplinary, intergenerational research team at the University of Maryland, the collection currently includes almost 5000 contemporary and historic children’s books in almost 60 languages from more than 50 countries.
从《桃花源记》背后的故事说起 Stories behind The Peach Blossom Spring
Cai Gao 蔡皋 (Author, Illustrator)
Author and Illustrator, Cai Gao, will share about the classical Chinese inspirations behind The Peach Blossom Spring, one of her picture books inspired by a Chinese classical story. Including elements of nature and life, beauty and goodness, Cai Gao depicts the utopia that resides in her heart.
The Hybrid Author – Author and Publisher
Shirin Yim Bridges (Head Goose – Author, Editor, Publisher, Goosebottom Books, Gosling Press)
Anushka Ravishankar (Author and Principal Platypus, Duckbill Books)
Writing children’s books in contemporary times involves more than just writing. Our panellists tells us more about how being an author helps bring a different perspective to editing and publishing, and being an editor changes the way one writes, as they look at the intersection of commercial and creative worlds.
Illustrators: How to Define Your Style through Story and Share It with the World
Amy Ng (Educator, Writer, Illustrator, Pikaland Media )
Artists and illustrators hold so much potential to produce works that are meaningful and insightful, instead of merely waiting for a client's brief. We all have stories to tell that can inspire the world. It’s time to tell your own stories instead of waiting to be picked by others.