Chang Tzu-chang 張子樟

Writer, Translator, Editor, Commentator, Reading Promoter (Taiwan)

Chang Tzu-Chang attended four universities to study the different fields in language teaching, journalism and communication, Chinese Studies, and literary criticism. He has written 14 books on children’s literature, including Young Adult Novels for Everyone, The Taste of Close Reading: The Commentary of Young Adult Literature and The Fantastic World of Storytellers. He has edited 19 books and translated 18 titles (which includes 10 young adult novels, six picture books, and one biography).

張教授曽在四間大學攻讀不同的學術領域:語言教學(臺灣師範大學)、新聞與傳播(政治大學)、中國研究(中國文化大學)與文學批評(威斯康辛大學,麥迪遜校區)。他是作家、譯者、編者、評論者、閱讀推廣者。至今已有評論集14冊(主要作品包括:《少年小說大家讀》、《細讀的滋味》、《說書人的異想世界》等) 、譯書18本(包括少年小說10本、繪本6本、文化理論1本、傳記1本)、編輯選集19冊。