Conferences & Workshops

Media Summit: One Big Story

Date: 29 May 2013 (Wednesday), 9:15am – 6:30pm
For: Producers, television/film executives, commissioning editors, comic artists, screenwriters, authors, publishers, app developers, animators, filmmakers and content creators.
Illustration by Emila Yusof, illustrator, Malaysia

The AFCC Media Summit gathers content creators and media professionals from around the world for a one-day conference focusing on Asian children’s media content, a forum for sharing ideas and knowledge, skills training and development, and networking. The Summit will focus on maximising content through transmedia storytelling.

Illustration by Emila Yusof, illustrator, Malaysia

9:15am - 10:00am
Transmedia, Transformation and the Future of Content

Kate McCallum (Producer, Transmedia Consultant, Writer)
Moderator: R Ramachandran (Executive Director, NBDCS)

Kate McCallum, Producer/Transmedia Consultant and Writer, will speak about changing paradigms in entertainment and storytelling. From traditional linear delivery, stories are now told through an ever-evolving array of platforms in innovative and engaging new ways through transmedia and cross platform design. Never before have there been so many opportunities for the creative storyteller to get their stories out into the world. Kate will provide examples and case studies to demonstrate transmedia design.

10:15am - 11:15am
Bringing Your IP Beyond Television

David Kwok (CEO, Tiny Island Productions)

From concept to production to broadcast, the team from Tiny Island Productions will share how they beat the odds through the use of transmedia storytelling to make Dream Defenders a commercial success.

Cross Platform Writing

Robert Greenberg (Author, Screenwriter)
Moderator: Ng Swee San (President, Screenwriters Association (Singapore))

Robert Greenberg - Writer of over 300 hours of produced, internationally acclaimed, children’s television - will share about his writing journey from writing live action soapies to writing scripts for children’s television drama, to writing children’s chapter books, and to writing cartoons for kids.

11:45am - 12:45pm
The Future of Asian Comics

Jerome Hinds (President, Association of Comic Artists Singapore), Sonny Liew (Comic Artist), Paolo Chikiamco (Author, Reviewer)

What is happening in the current comic scene in Asia and especially Singapore? And what sets Asian comics apart? This panel will discuss the above topics and also what to expect in the coming years.

Meet the Commissioners: What the Networks Want

Syahrizan Mansor (Senior Director, Head of Programming & On-Air, Nickelodeon Asia), Leslie Lee (Executive Director, Programming, Branded Media and Content, Walt Disney Company), Charmaine Kwan (Vice President, Programming, Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific)
Moderator: Vishnu Athreya (Executive Director
Programming, Acquisitions & Development
Turner International Asia Pacific Limited)

Representatives from the various television networks will share pointers on pitching, meeting the channel’s requirements, story development and cultivating a good working relationship between the production houses and the networks.

12:45pm – 1:45pm
1:45pm - 2:30pm
Shaping Content for New Media

Galen Yeo (Creative Director, The Moving Visuals Co.), Camille Faylona (Producer), Marc Checkley (Producer, Writer, Consultant)
Moderator: Joanne Teoh (Director, Sapphire Studios)

The rise of New Media has altered the way audience consume content. Content Creators and Network Professionals have to keep up – crafting and tailoring fresh content to suit the online platform or reworking existing content for new media in order to attract new fans and sustain the interest level of existing fans.

Content Collaboration (Roundtable Discussion)

Adeline Foo (Author), Jerome Hinds (President, Association of Comic Artists Singapore), Ervin Han (Managing Director, Robot Playground Media, Singapore)
Moderator: Joshua Chiang (Illustrator, Scriptwriter, Cerealbox Studios)

Is the collaboration the future of all content creation? From the different fields of comics, books and animation, these content creators will discuss the possibilities and potential of content collaboration in Singapore.

2:45pm – 3:45pm
Creative Partnerships: Publishing & Media

Eric Huang (Development Director, Made in Me)

The role of a publisher in this time and date is a curator of stories across many different formats from books to apps to TV and even consumer products. Eric Huang, Development Director at Mind Candy in London, and former Publishing Director at Penguin Children’s in London, will talk about the changing definition and role of the publisher today, and share insights into his work in the UK as a publisher of stories across media formats.

Adaptations & Localisation of Manga & Video Games

Alexander O Smith (Author, Translator)
Moderator: Paolo Chikiamco (Author, Reviewer)

From Phoenix Wright to Final Fantasy and to Cowa! – Alexander O Smith has played a huge role in adapting and localizing these well-loved games and manga. Join him at this session as he shares his experiences and pointers in reworking existing content for different cultures.

4:15pm – 5:15pm
IP Rights & Ownership

Koh Chia Ling (ATMD Bird & Bird)
Moderator: Michael Ryan Chan (Trainee Lawyer, Global Law Alliance LLC )

What intellectual property rights do you own in your work, and how can you get the most out of these rights? This session seeks to educate writers, illustrators, animators and other content creators about ownership and management of intellectual property under Singapore law, with a focus on cross-platform productions. Participants will learn how to handle their intellectual property rights, as well as the potential legal pitfalls to avoid.

Kids’ Content Creation: What Clicks

Ervin Han (Managing Director, Robot Playground Media, Singapore), Galen Yeo (Creative Director, The Moving Visuals Co.), Claudia Kaiser (Vice President, Business Development, Frankfurter Buchmesse)
Moderator: Yvone Foong (CEO, Zixxe)

Professionals from the field of animation, television and literary writing will share a 15 minutes presentation on the strategies they employ in content creation in order to catch the attention of a modern day child.

5:30pm – 6:30pm
Pitch Incubator!

Marc Checkley (Producer, Writer, Consultant), Jacqueline Chan (General Manager, Southern Star Singapore)

Pitching is the most important, and often overlooked, part of the creative process. The panel of established media professionals – from television and animation – will discuss and explore the challenges of pitching a kids programme, and share advice on how to condense your ideas to create a succinct and effective pitch that will sell your show.

Transmedia Storytelling in Asia

David Kwok (CEO, Tiny Island Productions), Kate McCallum (Producer, Transmedia Consultant, Writer), Eric Huang (Development Director, Made in Me)

This plenary will explore the potential of transmedia storytelling in Asia, how to get started and what content creators can expect from it.

Industry Support
Association of Comic Artists (Singapore)NickelodeonSapphire StudiosSix DegreesThe Moving Visuals CoTiny Island ProductionsZixxe TotsMobile