Zhao Bingbo 赵冰波

Deputy Director, Hangzhou Writers’ Association (China)

Zhao Bingbo is a prominent author working at the Zhejiang College of Liberal Arts. He is the Vice-President of the Hangzhou Writers Association. His works include The Bark Hut Under the Window and The Adventures of the Strange Snail. He has published more than 180 children’s books, over 2000 pieces of individual works, and over 230 episodes of cartoon scripts. He has won over 50 children’s literature awards including the National Outstanding Prize for Children’s Literature, Five-One Project Award, the National Book Award and the Bing Xin Children’s Book Award.

赵冰波,杭州人。现供职于浙江文学院。国家一级作家。杭州作家协 会副主席。主要作品有:童话集《窗下的树皮小屋》《毒蜘蛛 之死》《冰波童话》《爱的故事》《蛤蟆小姐减肥》,中篇童话 《怪蜗牛奇遇记》《长颈鹿拉拉》《红蜻蜓,红蜻蜓》,长篇 童话《怪蛋之谜》《狼蝙蝠》等。出版童话180余本,2000余 单篇,动画片剧本230余集。有多篇作品被选入内地及中国香 港的小学语文和幼儿教材,多本图书被新闻出版总署、教育 部列入推荐书目。曾获全国优秀儿童文学奖(3次)、精神文 明建设“五个一工程”奖(3次)、国家图书奖(2次)、宋庆龄 儿童文学奖(1次)、冰心儿童文学新作奖(多次)等,计五十 余项。

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