Cai Gao 蔡皋

Author, Illustrator (China)

Cai Gao, who has won numerous book awards, was heralded as China’s most outstanding young editor in 1996. In 2000, she was named the nation’s most outstanding children artist. Her works include the award-winning The Seven Sisters, King Lear, and The Fox Spirit of the Waste Land. In 2002, her work Utopia Story went on an exhibition tour in Japan, and was published for the Gospel Hall Bookstore.

蔡皋, 20年来所编图书在各级各类图书评奖中多次获奖,1996年被评为全国优秀中青年编辑,2000年被评为全国优秀儿童工作者。工作之余从事绘本创作,自作品《七姊妹》获“全国儿童读物插图作品邀请赛优秀作品奖”始,陆续创作了《李尔王》《干将莫邪》《荒原狐精》等作品。2000年被聘为第34届波隆那国际儿童图画书插图展评选委员。2002年,作品《桃花源的故事》原作展在日本巡回展出,并为日本福音馆书店出版。

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